M+M Architects is an architectural practice and sustainability consultancy.
founded by Arch.Ismail Mvungi and Arch.Khalid M. Mtoni in 2015. The practise is an architecture and urbanism collective located in Dar es Salaam Tanzania. The firm is registered in Tanzania with Architects and Quantity Surveyors Registration Board (AQRB), Tanzania Green Building Council (TZGBC); the association is affiliated to World Green Building Council (WGBC) and Architects Association of Tanzania (AAT) the association is affiliated to East Africa Institute of Architects (EAIA), Africa Union of Architects (AUA) and International Union of Architects (IUA).

We aim to produce outstanding architecture that transforms and inspires.
The practise’s works driven by the following spirits; innovative, useful, aesthetic, understandable, unobtrusive, honest, long-lasting, details and sustainability (environmentally friendly). M+M Architects has already successfully partnered some of the major players both in Tanzania and abroad.

We are widely known and esteemed for creating architecture that is innovative, crafted
and high quality.
The practise is grounded in the belief that success of the buildings and places judged by the way people use and enjoy them, through talented and highly experienced team of Architects, urban designers and specialist consultants, we able to use opportunities to improve and sustain communities through our design.
Years of steady growth has seen the Dar es Salaam-based practise firmly establish itself in the design field operate at a range of small to big scale within all sectors; corporate, cultural, hospitality, retail, education, industrial, health, residential, etc, for the main purpose of helping our clients to meet their needs and objectives.